It’s never too early or too late to plan for retirement.
Retirement means different things to different people. Whether it’s travelling, making your hobby a new profession or spending your time with loved ones, your retirement lifestyle is bound to change and have a financial impact.
Planning ahead is strongly recommended, however it is never too late to start. If you already have ideas for your retirement, it is wise to have a structured plan to ensure that the retirement lifestyle you imagine becomes a reality in the future.
An effective retirement plan will also help to avoid having to make compromises later. A retirement plan is essentially an investment and financial strategy that allows you to invest money tax-effectively as a way of saving for your retirement. Identifying your goals, needs, current resources, obligations and retirement timeframe will help to determine the amount of money you’ll need to fund your retirement lifestyle in the future.
As we develop your retirement strategy, we take into consideration areas of maximising retirement income via super, Centrelink entitlements and pensions. It is our aim to educate and guide clients throughout the process and to help them transition into retirement smoothly.